Requesting User details from JWT in Django OAuth Toolkit

Learn to write an API to fetch the details of currently logged in user, using the Authorization Token, in Django Oauth Toolkit

By Vaibhav Sharma

Requesting User details from JWT in Django OAuth Toolkit

We always require an API to fetch the details of the current user. This API, unfortunately, isn’t provided by default in Django OAuth Toolkit. But worry not, it’s fairly easy to write this API, and that is what we’ll do. But before we begin, let’s clarify some assumptions:

  • This tutorial is written with Django 2.0 specific commands in mind (eg. Path)
  • This is for someone who has Django OAuth Toolkit already up and running in the project.
  • This tutorial doesn’t mention imports and will have to be done by developer accordingly.

Now that that’s clear, let’s begin.

Setting up the Authentication Backend and Middlewares

Before we begin writing API View, make sure to add the following in the of the project. First, we add AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS

    # Not required for DOT, but required for Admin

Then we add relevant MIDDLEWARE for the OAuth Toolkit:

    # If you use SessionAuthenticationMiddleware, be sure it appears before OAuth2TokenMiddleware.
    # SessionAuthenticationMiddleware is NOT required for using DOT.

These steps are essentials for getting request.user function, which will be required while writing the API View.

Writing the API

In the we’ll write a generic Retrieve API View which when called along with the authorization token will return the User details. For that, we’ll first write a serializer that will define our JSON response.

Serializer for the User

For our JSON response let’s take id, first name, last name, email, and username. In the file write the following Model Serializer class

class UserDetailSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = User
        fields = ('id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'username')

The Retrieve API View

In the file we’ll write the UserDetail View:

class UserDetailView(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
    Use this endpoint to retrieve user.
    # Set the AUTH_USER_MODEL in file to make it work with custom user models as well.
    model = settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL
    serializer_class = UserDetailSerializer
    # Set the permission class if not already set by default
    permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated]

    def get_object(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.request.user

The API Path

Now that the tough part is over we’ll write the URL Path for the API. In your add the following URL pattern.

urlpatterns = [
    path('api/me/', UserDetailView.as_view(), name='me'),

That’s all for the coding part, now when you call the http://localhost:8000/api/me/?format=json with Authorization Header, you’ll get the ID, First Name, Last Name, Email and Username of the user associated with the JSON Web Token.