About This Blog
The Leaky Cauldron Blog
A brew of awesomeness with a pinch of magic...
The Leaky Cauldron Blog is the personal blog of Vaibhav Sharma.
This aims to be a place where I can publish anything and everything that interests me. Mostly about art, science, history, philosophy and programming.
As you may have already guessed, this blog’s name is inspired by the famous pub in Harry Potter. Just like that pub this blog will be a magical place where all random interesting things meet.
This is a place where I want to share the challenges that I have faced. I will also show you how I overcame them so that others, who may be going through the same, won’t have to go through them alone. It’ll also be a place where i can rant about things that bother me.
I also want this blog to be a place where you can get to know about the lesser known mysteries and stories of the world. I would like to believe that I have established that I have varied interests, so I will also sporadically post movie, music and event reviews as well.
Occasionally, this blog will feature guest authors who will write about what they truly love. I hope to bring to light various unique world views to really live up to my blog’s name.
All in all, this blog has no fixed scope because “True Beauty Lies In Chaos”.
I sincerely hope this blog helps and inspires people to overcome their challenges, learn new things and make their lives better.
As they say, life’s a journey and I want us to support each other through each passing day.
~~~ Mischief Managed ~~~